Monday, June 23, 2014

Trust Me: Life IS Eternal!

Yesterday I received awesome confirmation from the other side that life is eternal, which is exactly what Sanaya said yesterday morning (June 22nd post) in the daily message BEFORE I learned about this development (see! ... 

The day before yesterday I gave a reading to a woman who I will call Beverly for the sake of confidentiality (she gave me permission to share this wonderful story).  Beverly is facing a serious illness and wanted a reading for herself and her daughter to show that if she does not survive this physical challenge, her soul will continue to exist and be with her family.

The reading went well, and I connected with Beverly’s mother on the other side, who provided me with evidence about her life and things going on now with Beverly’s family that I could not have known.  Just as I was wrapping up the session, Beverly’s mother in spirit showed me a giraffe.  I could tell that it wasn’t a real giraffe; it looked more like a stuffed giraffe or a cartoon.  I told Beverly that in over 725 readings no one in spirit had ever shown me a giraffe.
Well, I just found out that this morning, less than 24 hours after this communication between the two worlds, Beverly received a drawing of a giraffe from her granddaughter – the daughter of Beverly’s OTHER daughter, not the one who sat in on the reading.  This other daughter knew nothing about the giraffe coming through in the reading. 
What does this show us?  Mediumship is not telepathy; I was not reading Beverly's mind.  This was true, real-time communication with her "deceased" mother.  The other beautiful message is that Beverly's mother in spirit knew about this drawing of the giraffe, showing what those on the other side prove to me time after time:  they are still with us and know what is going on in our lives. 
After this beautiful confirmation, Beverly summarized the reading this way: 
"It makes me know that when I get over there, I'm going to have a ball!  I'll just play all over the place."
Now do you see why my book about mediumship is called “Messages of HOPE?”
Beverly asked for another reading in a year.  She said that she may not still be here in the physical world to participate, but she will talk with her daughter and me one way or another, wherever she is.  What a wonderful attitude!
So, to the smartie-pants friend of mine who commented on my Facebook page that our summer tour is only an excuse to go bike riding, I KNOW you’re kidding, and I know you love me as much as I love you, but see, I’m serving Spirit every chance I get!
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