Monday, June 16, 2014

A Healing Gift Across the Miles

Can healing occur at a distance?  Most definitely.  Why?  Because everything is energy, including your mind, body, and spirit.  You may have read in Ty’s blog how he had a transformative healing session in person last week with our gifted friend, Debbie Svitavsky (  I was gifted with the offer of a distance healing from Debbie, which I gratefully received yesterday. 

I lay on the bed in our coach in Sedona, AZ with the lights dimmed.  Debbie called me at the appointed hour to let me know that she was beginning the session from her home in Ft. Collins, Colorado.  I will tell you that a few years ago the Navy officer in me might have laid there with thoughts of “This kind of thing is impossible” running through my mind.  I have had far too many experiences with energy and our helpers in the unseen dimension since my days in the Navy to ever again entertain such limiting thoughts. 
I hung up the phone, put on some meditative music, and allowed myself to relax.  As I tuned in to what I was sensing, hearing, and seeing, the impressions came one after another.  I have had sessions with energy healers before, so I am familiar with the sensation.  The ripples, full body twitches, and “lessons” that came to me over the next hour were no different than if Debbie had been standing beside me.  She is one powerful healer!
As I entered a deeper state of consciousness, an issue I have been working on came to mind followed by the image of a particular animal.  The animal showed up several times during the session.  I will keep all of the private things to myself, but I later looked up the symbolism of this animal and was stunned to see how perfect his visit was for the issue at hand.
For those of you who may harbor doubts that Debbie and I were connected at a soul level across the miles (which do not exist at the level of spirit), and that we were accompanied by a greater Power beyond ourselves, I will share what becomes the latest addition to my “Awesome Spiritual Experiences” file … 

As I felt the grace of healing of this particular emotional issue, I suddenly sensed a cat standing on my chest kneading the area of my heart.  A few minutes later I heard the word “integrating” and sensed I should look at the clock because the session was ending.  It was 10:53.  At 10:54 the phone rang.  It was Debbie calling to tell me that the session had ended and that it might take me a little while to INTEGRATE what I had received.  I shared with her the impressions I had experienced along with the image of the cat kneading my chest.  Debbie replied, “That’s really interesting.  I have a cat who often climbs up on the table during the sessions in my office and kneads my clients’ chests.”
 I was stunned.  I said, “You have a real life cat who actually does this?”  She laughed and said yes.  I immediately went to the coach’s kitchen and shared this amazing vision with Ty.  He stunned me further when he declared, “Her cat did that to me during my session last week.”
I said, “Are you kidding me?  You didn’t tell me that!”  He shrugged his shoulders and laughed as we shook our heads in amazement.
I’m so glad that Ty hadn’t told me about the cat.  It adds validity to everything I experienced during Debbie’s long-distance session.  I feel this image of the cat was more than just a vision.  I have the knowing sense that Debbie’s cat plays its own healing role as a partner in her work.  I believe that back in Colorado her cat saw “Mom” doing her work at a distance and its soul jumped in to do its part across the miles.  Together their work allowed an emotional release that my soul needed.
How cool is that?!

I can definitely feel the results of the session today.  I feel lighter, more tuned in, and am experiencing the effects of the removal of some long-held blockages.  Thank you, Debbie, thank you Debbie’s cat, and thank you to the powerful helpers on the other side who work through Debbie for all of your gifts.  Near or far, in whatever form we take, we truly are One Spirit.

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