Monday, May 5, 2014

With Impeccable Timing

It’s incredible what happens when we trust our unseen helpers in spirit.  I was invited to give the message (aka the “sermon”) at the Sunday service at Unity of Mills River yesterday.  In the past, when asked to give a talk, the former Navy officer in me would write out much of what I planned to say.  Then I would practice it aloud for several days leading up to the event.  I would time each trial run to make sure I came within a few minutes of the allotted limit.
Last December as I prepared to speak at Unity of St. Petersburg, my guides (Sanaya) asked me to trust them.  They told me it was okay to plan a bit, but to let them guide me during the service.  With utmost trust I did just that.  The result was the message I gave about Christ Consciousness that many of you have viewed online:
This week the old programming kicked in and I planned to prepare and practice as thoroughly as I used to.  I chose the topic of “Faith, Hope, and Love,” focusing on the evidence from a couple of select readings I have given that took people from faith and hope in life after death to full knowing that love is eternal.  I had been asked to speak for 20 minutes.  I wrote out a few ideas, and then I clearly heard my guides say, “What did we tell you in Poem #1?”  What they told me was:  “Yes, prepare, but speak with confidence if you dare.  Ours is to leave you without care.”  I laughed, relaxed, and thanked them.  Instead of timing my message, I simply passed along to my guides that I needed 20 minutes of inspiring words.  With that, I surrendered any concerns and didn’t practice the talk a single time.
Sunday morning came and I stepped to the platform in front of a full sanctuary with no notes in hand.  There was no clock on the wall.  The words flowed effortlessly, and I knew I was not standing there alone.  When I returned to my seat I asked Ty, “Was that about 20 minutes?”  I had no idea, because time had seemed to stop while I was sharing.  He replied, “I think so.” 
As I left the church, one of the staff members handed me a copy of a DVD with the entire church service on it.  This afternoon I had a chance to view the recording.  My greatest curiosity involved the timing of my talk.  The little voice inside said, “Trust us,” and I pressed the play button.  As I watched the video and saw myself step onto the platform, I noticed the elapsed time when I said my first word.  It read 46:16.  With a feeling of knowing something magical had happened, I fast forwarded to the last word in my talk and looked at the ending time.  The timer read 1:06:16.   
I had asked Spirit to help me share a message of faith, hope, and love that lasted twenty minutes.  They asked me to have faith in them as I shared my messages of hope.  I did so, and they lovingly guided me to speak exactly 20 minutes and 00 seconds.  This is yet another of those ever-increasing moments when I am simply awed and overcome with delight at how Love manifests in our lives when we trust.  May you also come to know that we never face our challenges alone.

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