Monday, May 26, 2014

Moving Forward on Purpose

I recently had the opportunity to become a “human on a stick.”  At least, that’s what the operators of the “Magical History Tour of Minneapolis” called those of us on our rented Segway machines as we rolled along single file like a line of ducklings.  Ever since Segways were introduced years ago I’ve wanted to try one, so it was loads of fun to finally experience the ride with Ty, thanks to our good friend, Terri.  I must admit that it took some getting used to.  Segways operate by responding to minute shifts in body position, so you merely need to lean slightly forward or press down on your heels to move forward and backward.  They can zip out at 12.5 MPH, which seems pretty darned fast when the only thing stopping you is backward pressure on your heels.

I felt a bit out of my element for the first half of the 3-hour tour, but after a while, I was able to relax and enjoy the experience.  As I grew even more comfortable, I noticed an interesting phenomenon.  I was following along without even thinking about what I was doing.  Once the instructions on how to ride were firmly imprinted on my conscious mind, the subconscious took over, and the mere INTENTION to move forward resulted in my body automatically doing what it needed to do for the intended result.
There’s a lot of information available these days on the power of intention, but that Segway ride showed me how critical intention is to our outcomes.  So much of what we do automatically is the result of conscious programming that has become unconscious.  Are you unhappy with the way things are going in your life?  The first step is to visualize a better outcome.  Once you have that image in mind, set a clear intention to make it so.  Hold that intention firmly in your mind, shift your weight forward instead of resting on your heels, and your subconscious mind will keep you pointed in the right direction to support your efforts. 
Keep in mind that we are always perfect souls.  For now, though, while you’re here on this magical tour of the physical world, stand tall like a human on a stick and make sure your intentions clearly match your desired outcomes.

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