Wednesday, April 9, 2014

What is Love?

A follower on Facebook asked me for a definition of Love.  Here is one Sanaya provided that I share at the beginning of my "Let Your Spirit SOAR Workshop": 

What is Love?

Your Eskimos have many words for snow.  You have one word for love, with many meanings.  It is not something you look outside of yourself for, for that would be ever-changing.  Love never dies, never wavers, never changes.  It is the most sublime of feelings the human can experience, for love is the highest vibration.  It must be experienced to know it.  You, as spirit, know it when you feel it, for love is who and what you are.  You, as a temporary human, long for it, for love is the connection between human and spirit. 

What is spiritual awakening and illumination, but the realization of the self as love through the experience of it.  All vibrates along a spectrum.  Bliss is the highest vibration of love.  All of life is about growing in understanding and expression of the highest vibrations.  When you feel true spiritual love, you know it.  If you question what is true spiritual love, you have not yet experienced it.  Practice expressing what you presently know as love in every moment, beginning with the most basic acts of kindness.  In so doing, you continually raise your own vibration and capacity to feel love.  In other words, you awaken the spirit.

Be that which you seek and awaken to the full realization of what love is.
This woman also asked how to love someone you dislike.  My friend, you simply look past the outer shell to the perfect spirit inside.  There will always be those with whom we have energetic dissonance.  Using your consciousness, you rise above your earthly vibrations and align with your Higher Self, which is Love.  There we are all One.


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