Sunday, July 12, 2015

My Heart Runneth Over

I had a lesson in balance today that has left me in awe.  I just completed an unforgettable, love-filled weekend of sharing with 82 beautiful souls at Unity Village.  Normally, after giving one 3 hour workshop, I am drained the next day.  This weekend I gave a 3 hour workshop Friday evening, a 3 hour and then a 2 hour workshop Saturday, followed by a channeling session with Sanaya Saturday evening, and a 3 hour workshop this morning.  I had planned to go into seclusion this afternoon and tomorrow to recharge, yet I feel astoundingly good.  Yes, I'm tired, but not wiped out or emotionally fragile as I usually am after a workshop.  What made the difference?  I took the advice that Sanaya gave me this morning.  I had planned to conclude the retreat with a special labyrinth ceremony in which each of us symbolically left a dead twig (representing a part of us we no longer chose to carry around) in a fire pit at the center.  I was looking forward to hugging each participant, but Sanaya said, "No. It is too draining. There is a better way." 

Before the ceremony began, I passed along Sanaya's recommendation:  I asked the participants that as they departed the labyrinth, they would join hands one by one with me.  I told them that I would look each one in the eye, connect with their soul, and send them love.  Most important, I asked that they do the same and send love flowing back to me.  In last night's channeling session, Sanaya explained how energy goes back and forth.  It flows round and round.  This giving and receiving of love is all about balance. 

The way I feel now is a huge "Aha!" moment for me.  After workshops I am usually frazzled.  There's a reason we call such a state "unbalanced."  We concluded this weekend with a give-and-take of pure, divine love.  It came straight from the heart, as you can see below in this sampling of beautiful, "love-sharing" photos taken by Ty that I will treasure forever.  Yes, my heart runneth over, but what goes around comes around, and so I am filled ... filled with love, yes, and most certainly with gratitude.  Lessons abound.


  1. What an amazing powerful LOVE-filled weekend♡♡♡ Thank you Suzanne & Ty for sharing your messages and giving yourselves to us in such a special life-transforming way, we were not disappointed, and we are honored that we could be a part of such a wonderful experience. K & L

  2. I could feel the love just reading this....thank you for sharing.

  3. I could feel the love coming through in your message... Thank you for sharing!

  4. Loved everyone's energy. What a blessing-The Unity Village says AAAH-thank you

  5. Suzanne, I relished every moment at Unity Village with you and all of our "fellow lightning bugs"; really enjoyed all of it. Still mesmerized, and have begun a serious morning meditation. I have a calling for substance abuse counseling, and yes, I am bringing my Light into my work. Thank you again~
