Monday, July 27, 2015

Love at the Center

Some of you may not know that I have an alternate website address.  I use it for those who hear me on radio interviews and find it much easier to remember vs.  I decided to direct the "LoveAtTheCenter" URL to a unique landing page vs. my home page so that new visitors would immediately discover what I consider to be the most important thing in our lives:  Love.  The page gets straight to the point of our purpose in this life and how to live life on purpose.  I hope it speaks straight to your heart.  xxoo


  1. Once more, how amazing! I actually stumbled upon your site earlier this morning, because it is linked from Ty's blog page. I read through the whole page and thought it was wonderful. I totally love the coin and all its messages. I also like the cling. Is there another way to purchase these two unique Suzanne productions without having to be physically attending an event? Regardless, I loved every word written on this page. It is direct, succinct, and thoroughly engaging. Just like Suzanne! Thank you for all the ways you continue to gift us. You are awesome! And totally spirit-led!

  2. Thanks so much, Brenda. Unfortunately, the items are only available in person as life is too hectic already without adding trips to the post office and mailing supplies store! xxoo

    1. Then I must simply attend more events as soon as I can. What a coincidence! That would be my heart's desire anyway! Love you too!

  3. Well, SOMEONE is going to be at an in person event in, oh, about five days. Isn't THAT interesting? and she also has a suitcase that's only half full. All will be well, Brenda.

  4. Ah yes, but the first supply of coins and stickers have been delivered to Massachusetts to be debuted on August 9th. Sigh. It will all work out, my friend.

  5. I may just need to start buying Power Ball tickets, because there are SO MANY events I want to attend. Like for the next two weekends... and the rest of my life. I will buck up! In the meantime, I hold both of you near, dear, and close in my heart! XOXO
