Friend Clint Stull shared with me a vision he experienced while on a recent walk. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did:
"I AM seated against a wall in the center of a long room with a door at each end. In front of me is a window with a view of the world. The sun is shining and I can see the graceful movement of the trees swaying within a subtle sweet breeze. There is an inviting and comfortable looking couch in front of the window. Suddenly the sun becomes obscured and foreboding clouds begin to move in. I hear an aggressive knock at one of the doors, it’s fear wanting to enter and you can hear worry mumbling behind him in an infinite hallway.
"Fear becomes more insistent and the knocking becomes more aggressive. There is an urge to jump up from my seat and place myself against the door to keep fear out, but instead I decide to say, “OK, come in”. He enters darkly with worry and anxiety trailing behind, and looks to the comfortable couch in front of the window where the foreboding sky fills the window frame. I say, “You may pass through, but you are not invited to stay”. He’s very annoyed by this and is insistent. He and his family members would like to settle in for an extended visit. I choose to not engage him and point to the other door where he is to exit. He looks at me directly to test my resolve and reluctantly saunters toward the door and departs with his family members.
"Through the window I can see the clouds are dispersing and the sun is beginning to break through. There is another knock, a sweet sound at the door. It’s Gratefulness, and I say “Come in please! Make yourself at home." She takes a seat in front of the window in all her radiance. Now there is another knock at the door. This time it's Happiness. I invite him in. Gratefulness knowingly smiles, and I say to Happiness, “I know you can’t stay, but I do appreciate your visit.” After filling the room with good feeling and expanding in the presence of Gratefulness, he passes through and exits. Gratefulness rises and decides to take a seat next to me and remain.
"These visits, in all forms, are ever constant. They come and go for a lifetime. But because Gratefulness has remained seated beside me, all that come and pass through I treat as honored guests. All that arrive come with something to give. Fear and worry now depart quickly. Love now enters without knocking and goes directly to the window seat."
Oh my. Your book "Wolf's Message" came to my attention last week. I read it, it spoke to me, and I plan to go back through it to highlight all the specifics that reflected my life experiences. In the meantime, for these past few days I have been looking for synchronicity and I am amazed at what is happening. I read a sample of a book "Conversations with God" last night in which I read about how our prayers should shift to that of Gratitude. I was puzzled how to change my good-intentioned prayers (e.g. for the courage to see and know reality, and for the happiness of other Beings). And I open my blog reader this morning to see a stone with "Gratitude" written on it; I am filled with emotion. Truly, I am grateful for being introduced to Suzanne Giesemann!