Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Listening with the Heart

I received an email a while back from a woman who had once asked to be placed at the top of my waiting list for a reading.  She was looking forward to hearing from a loved one who had passed. Suddenly, she changed her mind and asked to be removed from my list. The reason? "My church teaching is against the practice of mediumship."

This woman had sat in on one of my talks about mediumship.  She heard the type of evidence that those on the other side share with me such as how they died, what kind of work they did, and other verifiable facts that I could not possibly know about them. She knew exactly what she was getting into when she initially asked for a reading.  And then she must have shared her excitement with someone in a position of “power” who used a tool called “fear” to influence her thinking.

What a shame that a woman who had initially followed her heart allowed someone to tell her what to believe rather than seeking first-hand experience. That's why I enjoy the freedom of asking for spiritual guidance and knowledge directly from the Source.  I enjoy being free to investigate a broad spectrum of beliefs.  I enjoy accepting and rejecting wisdom according to how it feels inside, instead of unquestioningly following what someone tells me I'm supposed to believe or do.

I didn’t spend too much time fretting over that woman’s decision.  It’s tremendously freeing to allow others to be exactly where they are on their own path.  It’s too bad, though, about the lost opportunity for her to hear evidence from her loved ones on the other side.  She could have then decided for herself if that experience was “wrong” or incredibly healing.  And it’s too bad about the lost opportunity for her loved ones.  I know they were pretty excited about the chance to reconnect. They want to talk to us as much as we want to talk to them.  That’s why I'll keep working to make that communication as clear as possible for the spirit world and for those here who are willing to follow their hearts.

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