I had to stop what I was doing just now to share comments from a woman whose life was changed by Spirit at work. I'm putting together photos and remarks she sent me after I connected her with the spirit of her deceased husband. Her willingness to validate and share the evidence he provided from the other side will help others understand that mediumship is quite real and oh so healing. Of the 70 distinct details he communicated to show it was him, she was able to verify 67 "hits." 96% is the kind of accuracy I strive for but is not always possible. In this case, it wasn't just the details that rocked her world, it was something else. In her own words:
"Most compelling for me, was this overpowering sense of him, a sense of his presence, of him actually speaking through you, as if his words were coming out of your mouth. And not just his words, but his expressions, phrasing, timing, humor, gestures, impatience, irreverence, honesty, persistence, his take-charge manner, his zest for life, his passion and romance, and his hugely compassionate but often misunderstood soft side, his giant gentle heart reaching out to comfort me. These are things you can’t read on Facebook or find on google, or hear from others. These are things only known through knowing the person, being in their company, hearing them speak, watching them move, feeling their spirit. "
And that, my friends, is how I know this connection is real. I FEEL those who have passed when they blend their consciousness with mine long enough for them to say, "I'm here, my love. I have never left you." I feel their spirit, and I am so grateful.
Talk to them. They hear you.
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