Friday, September 26, 2014

You Asked For It: - The Heart Meditation

Many of you have asked if you can get a recording of the Heart Meditation from my new book, Wolf's Message. Guess what? I've teamed up with my new musical partner, the amazingly gifted transformational music composer Jim Oliver, ( to provide you the meditation as a gift from our heart to yours! I visited a Dallas recording studio and Jim and I selected just the right music for this project. I unveiled the meditation at the Celebration of Wolf's Message on October 19th in Oxford, FL, and the free MP3 is now available on my website as a free gift.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Angel Rays

For those of you who enjoy the signs that show us we are not alone, you will appreciate how Spirit works to get our attention... If you are reading this on Twitter or Facebook, see all of the photos in the original blog entry at

When I posted this morning's message from Sanaya (September 2nd)
I searched for an appropriate photo to accompany their words about darkness and light.  I was drawn to choose the one shown here on the left, even though I hesitated because it seemed a bit too dark.  The post was forwarded to my Facebook page.  One follower called what you see "angel rays."  Another follower, Marla Grant, wrote, "Suzanne, I am absolutely stunned to see this picture. It is the exact image from a deeply seminal dream I had a few years ago - so strong and profound that I wrote the dream down and have gone back to it repeatedly over the years. (I'm) Just amazed."

A short while later Marla sent me a message with the screenshot shown on the right, taken this morning by the webcam at the Chateau Lake Louise where Ty and I stood not two weeks ago.  We were both stunned by the similarity in the two photos.  Marla included the description of her dream, which occurred at a time in her life when she was struggling to understand what real love is. 

Marla wrote, “In my dream, I was standing in a very wide open space, like a field or a deserted beach, looking up towards the sky. I was gazing in utter terror at an elliptical portal in the sky through which I understood I was meant to pass on my own. Though unseen, I sensed two benevolent spirits, one on each side of the portal, more or less making it accessible to me. A strong, forceful voice was communicating silently with me explaining that the veil of darkness was very thin, with nothing but light on the other side. I was filled with terror at the thought of having to pass through unaccompanied and the entity urging me on was aware of these strong thoughts and feelings. He continued to explain that only on my own, in finding the strength and the wisdom to approach the unknowable, would I be able to pass through. Like a child, I objected and insisted that I needed to be taken through but he was steadfast yet compassionate in his urging, trying to help me find the means within myself to make the journey….the one journey I knew in my waking hours could only be made alone. The dream ended there.”

Marla explained that she has always felt that she has two spirit guides with her.  (Sanaya has assured me that each of us has at least one guide assigned to us for life.)  Marla wrote, "While many challenges remain, I am no longer in terror and have much more light and peace in my life.  Isn’t it interesting that just last night, before seeing your picture and this one at Lake Louise, I ran across this transcript of my dream, tucked away for some 15 years with some poetry and very old communications related to that period. I had determined to shred them all, that part of my life being over, and I’ve put it in its proper place of love and forgiveness for having brought me to where I am now. So glad I saw your post before shredding."
Not only do I appreciate the meaning of these photos for Marla, they are very significant in light of the reading I gave this morning.  With thanks to my client for giving me permission to share these details, I sensed her mother with us in spirit, but I found it quite unusual that she did not speak or communicate with me other than to show herself.  Instead, I began breathing rapidly as I do when I bring through the higher energy of Sanaya.  Suddenly I was aware of the presence of two very powerful angels.  Were it not for the astounding energy I felt and the accurate evidence they gave me about my client's life, my left-brain might have dismissed the experience as sheer imagination. 

Instead, one of these angels proceeded to explain that the woman in spirit (my client's mother) had taken her own life.  Once my client confirmed this, the angels then told us that they had accompanied and carried her mother through every step of her journey.  Indeed, they showed themselves holding her up under each arm.  What followed was an intense and intensely healing session for all concerned as they spoke for my client's mother, explaining why she made the choices she did and the regrets she was working to overcome.  At the end of the reading, after a profound lesson in forgiveness, the angels stepped to the side, and my client's mother smiled and appeared to float upward.

I'm so grateful to Marla for sharing the significance of the two portal photos.  Is the timing of Sanaya's message and the photos merely coincidence, or simply a beautiful reminder to all of us that we never walk alone, whether here or beyond the veil?  I believe there are no coincidences.  Our guides know that life here is difficult.  As Sanaya reminded us in this morning's post, our challenges serve such great purpose in helping us to find the Light within ourselves.  Many blessings to you as you move moment by moment closer to the Light through your loving choices.