I unwittingly became part of a wonderful in-your-face synchronicity yesterday when I gave my “Heart Gifts” presentation in Vancouver, BC, to a large and loving audience. The organizers at Unity of Vancouver had printed tickets for the event and asked me if I would do a drawing for a door prize. I told them I would be pleased to do two: one for a copy of the “Heart Gifts” DVD and one for a copy of my book, “Messages of Hope.”
At the end of the presentation, the ushers brought me the basket of ticket stubs. We had not announced that there would be a drawing, so the audience was delighted when they learned there would be a couple of prizes. I closed my eyes and randomly drew the first stub for the DVD winner. (Reality hit me in the face when I couldn’t read the number without my glasses!) I asked someone in the front row to read the number for me, and a young woman in the middle of the auditorium raised her hand. I recognized her from having attended my talk in Vancouver last summer. She and I had exchanged several emails over the ensuing months as she wandered a bumpy spiritual path. I smiled at her across the many heads and thought, “How perfect is that?” I would soon find out it was even more perfect than I thought at the time.
The young prize-winner stayed around until the last person had left the venue, waiting patiently for a full hour while I shared hugs and signed books. I sat to chat with her for a moment in the lobby. She pulled out her smart phone and showed me several pictures of wolves on her camera roll, including the exact same image of a wolf’s face that I had shown in my talk. “The wolf comes to me, too,” she said.
I learned that she arrived at the presentation hoping to receive answers to some questions. For the main answer she sought, she had sent out a message to the Universe: “I want you to send me a sign, and the sign will be that the “Heart Gifts” DVD is mine.”
When I heard this, I was momentarily stunned, and then instantly delighted. I am rarely asked to give door prizes, and this was the first time that I had given a DVD in such a manner. The basket had been filled with stubs, and hers was the one I chose at random. She could have won the book, instead, but someone up above knew: the DVD was hers.
I share a similar stunning synchronicity at the end of the “Heart Gifts” presentation about a time when I asked for a specific sign regarding writing my new book “Wolf’s Message.” I received an unmistakable sign shortly thereafter. I tell my audiences that this is evidence of the One Mind at work. Those in spirit know how things will unfold for us on this earthly plane. From their perspective in the dimension of “no-time and no space,” perhaps they have even happened already. This kind of thinking makes my head spin, but for some of these really big synchronicities, there is no other explanation. At the very least they show us how intricately spun is this wonderful web in which we live.
Thank you, Spirit, for showing us your loving Presence in such delightful ways. May the adventure continue!